
Showing posts from April, 2024

Current Laws to Protect Insect Diversity

            Current Laws to Protect Insect Diversity           Insects serve many purposes, from feeding wildlife and pollinating our crops to having a role in the invention of pulp paper and skin treatments. There are possibly millions of undiscovered insect species, and we have only begun to research how intricate this class of animals are. However, the question arises; are we doing anything to protect these wonders of nature? Many species are currently threatened, and it is in great part due to humans. Pesticides, habitat loss, invasive species, and and climate change are all very real issues that threaten thousands of species and put them in the endangered categories.  Biodiversity intactness chart in 2020 (WWF)     Pesticides      While having many positive aspects and uses, there is no denying that pesticides threaten much of the wildlife that it surrounds. The use of pesticides does kill insects that like to feed on crops, but it can also kill the beneficial species such as poll

The Role of Insects in the Ecosystem

 The Role of Insects in the Ecosystem     Did you know that insects comprise over 80% of all animal life and that entomologists estimate there may be as many as ten million undiscovered insect species?  Out of the million species discovered, there are a vast number of services that are provided by insects and other invertebrates. Some commonly known services are acting as both prey and predator for wildlife species throughout the world; some species such as birds depend on insects as their main food source, and insects keep other insect populations in control and feed on plants to prevent overgrowth.  There are many lesser-known roles that insects play in the natural world, however. Some of these include providing nourishment for the soil, and pollinators, aiding in the decomposition process, as well as providing pest control, which may seem contradictory.  Without insects, this world would undoubtedly not be able to function with all of the animal and plant life it currently has. Asso

Unique Ways Insects Help Humans

       Unique Ways Insects Help Humans    As discussed in my previous blogs, insects play a massive role in not only the environment but human economies and cultures. They are found nearly everywhere on Earth, and they offer a diverse range of services that influence the world around them. However, there are other less-known ways that insects can be used; for example, insects can be used in the forensic world to identify the time of death based on the stages of growth. They can also be used for medical purposes, act as sanitarians, and inventions.  "Picasso Bug" (Alandmanson) Insects in Forensics        Insects can be used for forensics, which is a relatively new science and is still being researched to find the full potential of the use of insects.       When a human dies, there is a possibility that their bodies will get infested with insects, especially if their place of death is outside. Using this knowledge, scientists can study the larval stage of the insects, and depen

The Role of Insects in Human Culture

   The Role of Insects in Human Culture      Aside from insects being prominent in the economic world and ecosystem, insects can be found everywhere within human cultures. There are movies about bugs, children's books, activities and sports, clothing, and even historic paintings have insects. Even the way we think and perceive nature and wildlife is influenced by insects. They are everywhere. For example, if you were to buy a generic kids coloring book, chances are you'll see a mosaic butterfly for one of the pages. Some cultures worship insects and play a large part in many religious aspects. Without insects, we would have a gaping hole left in cultures around the world.   Group of Butterflies (Kamor Lopez)      Clothing    The first and foremost example of insects being found in culture is clothes. All over the world, insects can be found embroidered on clothes or even have costumes or accessories modeled after insects. A big example would be little kids dressing up as butter

The Role of Insects in the Economy

  The Role of Insects in the Economy Insects are a vital part of agriculture and the increase of yields in crops, with pollinators bringing in billions every year just from the benefit that they provide. They are also found within many other aspects of industry and the economy, like food and clothing. Silk, red dye, honey, and protein bars are all common items that you might see in your day-to-day life. They play a much bigger role than just being food items for birds and shrews- insects are found to influence the economy in a way that can often not be measured. Cochineal insects, used to make red dye (Vahe Martirosyan)   Pollinators      To start with the biggest example, pollinators are hugely important to the agricultural world. They increase yields, maintain plant health, and sometimes promote reproduction between certain crops.       Just to put into perspective how much pollinators, specifically honeybees are worth, a study was conducted from the years 2007 to 2019; "Approxi